02 Apr Baby Bump in the woods… Elfin Forest Maternity Session
Photographing my long time friends is so special for me. Especially those about to embark in lifes greatest adventure. I could not be happier for my dear friends, Wendy & John. This baby will truly be blessed with love and laughter. Because they are my friends, I made them take a little hike with me into this area we really shouldn’t have been. Not because it was off limits, but because we looked down and realized we were standing on a path littered with Poison Oak. I think we all had a mini heart attack. I had my big rain boots on, knowing that I was going to be tromping through streams, but poor Wendy was in sandals! She was SO calm and kept saying, “It’s fine, I am not allergic!” Needless to say we all went home and took cold showers with dish soap and escaped the wrath of poison oak. Lesson learned. Stay on trail!!! All in all, we got some gorgeous shots of her belly. Can’t wait to meet the little man!
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